Requesting help via comments / contact me form

I have had several enquiries via the contact me form where mostly users have been asking me for technical help on some of my articles where they have a similar device and wanted my help in helping them getting it to work or wanting assistance building one of my projects.

To cut a long story short, I do read all the emails and I have written lengthy replies to technical queries especially for the Data Display LED display boards but I have not had any replies to my emails sent in response, not even a thankyou for your help, nothing.

If I go out of my way to respond to your email and spend my time providing a detailed response at least have the common curtesy to acknowledge my help in your technical issue. I do this free of charge but if this happens again I will turn comments off and will not respond to any technical queries via the contact me form.

If you want to contact me for help, please have the curtesy to reply to my response and / or acknowledge my help. Otherwise I’m just wasting my time.


2 Replies to “Requesting help via comments / contact me form”

  1. Adrian

    Just a note to say thanks for hosting the datasheet for the Fairchild FCS8000 display. I bought them as a box of displays in an online auction for a paltry amount. Datasheets for the 1970s era are becoming more difficult to find now. At least I have a pinout now!


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